measuring the good stuff
Measuring is important. But so is deciding what we measure. If we only measure bananas, we can be pulled into growing more bananas even if we don't need them (problem one) and we also don't look after what we might need to be encouraging more than or even instead of - bananas (problem two).
So we measure how many drugs we prescribe. But we might not be measuring how much good it does to enable someone to get involved in a community garden in relation to their diabetes, or their mental health, or the wider community benefit; nor the NNT (number needed to treat) for people to be directed to such community activities, rather than pharmaceuticals; nor how climate change might impact their meds (heat damages insulin) or their health (diabetes meds can make it harder to sweat, clearly a problem in extreme temperatures).
So we're thinking very carefully about data, its analysis, how we can encourage more of the good stuff by making sure we identify, and measure it, and measure it well; and then use that data to help us determine next steps. We're gathering and using qualitative (the how and who and why) and quantative (how much) data, and are keen to hear from you about what else we can be doing. We started in Cornwall and are now working with Greener NHS SW to go regional. If you'd like to know more - give us a shout!