5 greening your bank
Our banks do a very good job of not telling us how they're using our money. And most people don't know that their hard-earned cash is being invested in fossil fuels, tobacco, arms and bad labour practices - unless you decide different!
Changing your bank can be 21 times more impactful than changing your diet, your energy, and your travel, combined. Wow. You are in charge here. You get to decide where you money is invested. So decide. :)
And you can change your practice bank account - or just start with your own. It's easy. We did it at Volunteer Cornwall. To work to improve health, and be investing in fossil fuels, is bonkers. So we changed.
Make your money matter
Make your Money Matter is an initiative to move our money away from investing what harms us and into what keeps us well. Not rocket science. And that includes your pension - easy to do, massive impact to have!
Walking the Talk
Volunteer Cornwall change banks from Lloyds to The Co-op in 2022. Simple. Ask Lisa! And staff members are now starting to do the same, and swapping their organisation pension to the ethical option. It's a couple of clicks on their pension website - and boom, no fossil fuel, tobacco, arms or bad labour investment. Obvs. Because why would we??